“Bashar Assad adalah Tuhanmu!”
Ahmed menceritakan bagaimana dia dan tahanan politik lainnya disiksa setelah dipaksa menyatakan “Assad adalah Tuhanku!”
50.000 warga Suriah disiksa hingga mati oleh Assad pada tahun 2011 hingga 2013, menurut dokumen rezim yang disajikan di Pengadilan Jerman.
“Bashar Assad is your God!”
— CJ Werleman (@cjwerleman) December 4, 2024
Ahmed describes how he and fellow political prisoners were tortured after being forced to declare “Assad is my God!”
50,000 Syrians were tortured to death by Assad in years 2011 to 2013, according to regime docs presented at German Court of Justice. pic.twitter.com/Yhe3BD1W7w