Dari twit Paul Williams:
"Christians have forgotten that women must wear the hijab too. The Bible says: 'Any woman who prays or prophesies with her head unveiled disgraces her head - it is one and the same thing as having her head shaved. For if a woman will not veil herself, then she should cut off her hair; but if it is disgraceful for a woman to have her hair cut off or to be shaved, she should wear a veil.' ~ 1 Corinthians 11"
(Umat Kristen lupa bahwa perempuan juga harus mengenakan jilbab. Alkitab mengatakan: 'Wanita mana pun yang berdoa atau bernubuat dengan kepala terbuka, mempermalukan kepalanya - itu sama saja dengan mencukur kepalanya. Sebab jika seorang wanita tidak mau berkerudung, maka ia harus memotong rambutnya; tetapi jika seorang wanita merasa tercela jika rambutnya dipotong atau dicukur, maka ia harus mengenakan kerudung.' ~ 1 Korintus 11)
Christians have forgotten that women must wear the hijab too. The Bible says: 'Any woman who prays or prophesies with her head unveiled disgraces her head - it is one and the same thing as having her head shaved. For if a woman will not veil herself, then she should cut off her… pic.twitter.com/DvHfbsEhmD
— Paul Williams (@freemonotheist) August 30, 2023