[PORTAL-ISLAM.ID] Media internasional Al-Jazeera memberitakan FIFA membatalkan Indonesia sebagai tuan rumah Piala Dunia U-20 2023 akibat penolakan terhadap Tim Israel.
Berita ini mendapat respons luas netizen di twitter.
Netizen luar negeri banyak yang memuji sikap Indonesia yang menolak Tim Israel.
"I am proud of my Indonesian brithers and sisters" (Saya bangga dengan saudara-saudara Indonesia saya), cuit @Saad_Gondal.
"I salute you Indonesia" (Saya salut dengan Indonesia)," ujar @queenshokane.
"Proud you Indunisia for showing the world what's right, ISRAEL had to be banned not only Russia. FIFA and double standrad are 5&6, hyprocrisy of the highest level"
"Bangga Indonesia menunjukkan kepada dunia apa yang benar, ISRAEL harus dilarang tidak hanya Rusia. FIFA dan standar ganda adalah kemunafikan tingkat tertinggi," cuit @mudassir29_amin.
Proud of you Indunisia for showing the world what's right, ISRAEL had to be banned not only Russia.
— Think_Wiselyπ΄ (@mudassir29_amin) March 30, 2023
FIFA and double standard are 5&6, hypocrisy of the highest level
The double standards of Russia vs Israel to the world.
— TheAngryArab_ (@PappaArab) March 30, 2023
Just shows there is so much more than just human rights in the minds of people. All about alliances and $$$.
Israel need to be sanctioned!!