"The cab ride I just had home was the saddest 25 minutes I’ve experienced from another human being."
("Perjalanan pulang menggunakan taksi saat itu adalah 25 menit paling menyedihkan dalam hidupku berkaitan dengan kehidupan seseorang")
Demikian ungkap Alex Malloy atas apa yang terjadi di New York saat sopir taksi muslim mengantar dia ke rumah beberapa saat setelah serangan teroris di Paris.
Sopir taksi New York itu bercerita kalau dirinya ikut disalahkan atas apa yang terjadi di Paris hanya karena dia seorang muslim. Dia juga mengatakan kalau Alex adalah penumpang pertama selama dua jam terakhir pasca serangan Paris dikarenakan orang-orang tidak mau naik taksinya karena merasa tidak aman dengan sopir yang muslim.
Selama perjalanan ke rumah Alex, sopir taksi ini menangis dengan menyebut nama Allah:
“Allah my God, does not believe in this!
People think I’m a part of this and I’m not.
Nobody wants to drive with me because they feel unsafe.
I can’t even do my job.”
Kesedihan dan tangisan ini membuat Alex ikut menangis sedih.
Pengalaman dan percakapan Alex Malloy dengan sopir taksi muslim dia twitkan di akun twitternya @alexmalloyy.
Berikut cerita lengkap yang ditulis Alex:
The cab ride I just had home was the saddest 25 minutes I’ve experienced from another human being.
This Muslim cab driver said I was his 1st customer the past 2 hours tonight because of the attacks in Paris. People have been scared because of NYC being on high alert.
For 25 minutes I had to tell this stranger, this human being that he was not a part of what was happening and how sorry I was (that) people were looking at him with fear and anger.
He cried the whole way to my apartment and it made me cry too.
He kept saying:
“Allah, my God does not believe in this!
People think I’m a part of this and I’m not.
Nobody wants to drive with me because they feel unsafe.
I can’t even do my job.”
It was one of the most heartbreaking moments I’ve ever experienced in my whole life.
He was such a sweet guy, around my age.
The fact that this young man is feeling victimized because of extremists is so sad.
A simple man doing his job, felt under attack because of people who are claiming to be his religion but are not because they are extremists.
Please give your sympathy towards these people.
They are not only victims of discrimination but also hate in times like this.
These are not our enemies.
These are our friends, neighbors, and allies.
Please, stop saying “Muslims” are the problem because they are not and they are feeling more victimized and scared to this day.
We are all humans underneath this skin.
-Alex Malloy-
Sumber: https://www.facebook.com/FrankSomervilleKTVU/posts/1023361574393836?pnref=story