Inilah Ruang Kendali Penyelenggaraan Haji di Saudi


Many have started blaming Saudi's mismanagement over millions of annual gathering where more than 700 Hajees died, but let's not forget the preparations they've made for the pilgrims

Banyak pihak yang menyalahkan pihak Saudi atas manajemen penyelenggaran ibadah haji yang diikuti jutaan jamaah haji dari seantero dunia yang kemudian terjadi Tragedi Mina yang menewaskan lebih 700 orang jamaah haji pada 24 September 2015 kemarin.

Tapi, mari kita lihat bagaimana persiapan dan apa yang telah dilakukan pihak Saudi selaku penyelenggara haji.

Many have seen the big picture, here is the inside picture:
(Di layar besar Control Room/Ruang Kendali penyelenggaraan haji menampilkan, a.l)
- 5,000 CCTV cameras on watch over
- 100,000 security officers prepared
- Hundreds of ambulance ready for emergency
- Hundreds of firefighters ready for emergency
- Helicopter services are ready for emergency departure

Apart from those:
- Free food and water
- Free Islamic Books (including Quran)
- Free hospitalization and Pharmacies.
- Subsidize shelter.
- Subsidize transportation. (Train and Bus)

and we can add more... Few people's mistake caused this strategy, sometimes things go beyond over control.

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un
"we belong to Allah and to him we shall return"

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