[PORTAL-ISLAM.ID] Di sosial media viral video yang hingga saat ini sudah ditonton 1 juta lebih.
"CCTV video caught an alleged Chinese family of four from Guangxi province deliberately spat on tissue paper and smeared their saliva all over elevator buttons. Sources claimed the local police are investigating on this case."
"Video CCTV menangkap dugaan keluarga China berempat dari provinsi Guangxi sengaja meludahi kertas tisu dan mengolesi air liur mereka di seluruh tombol lift. Sumber mengklaim polisi setempat sedang menyelidiki kasus ini," tulis akun @WBYeats1865 yang memposting video di twitter pada Rabu (5/2/2020).
Yang lain menambahi informasi.
"There was one man spitting at HK medics in a HK hospital saying “if I die (of wuhan coronavirus), don’t think you can live”. The doctor cried."
"Ada seorang pria meludah di petugas medis HK di sebuah rumah sakit HK mengatakan "jika saya mati (akibat virus wuhan coronavirus), jangan berpikir Anda bisa hidup". Dokter itu menangis," tulis akun @kayleung2.
[Video CCTV]
"Ada seorang pria meludah di petugas medis HK di sebuah rumah sakit HK mengatakan "jika saya mati (akibat virus wuhan coronavirus), jangan berpikir Anda bisa hidup". Dokter itu menangis," tulis akun @kayleung2.
[Video CCTV]
CCTV video caught an alleged Chinese family of four from Guangxi province deliberately spat on tissue paper and smeared their saliva all over elevator buttons.
— W. B. Yeats (@WBYeats1865) February 5, 2020
Sources claimed the local police are investigating on this case
There was one man spitting at HK medics in a HK hospital saying “if I die (of wuhan coronavirus), don’t think you can live”
— kayleung (@kayleung2) February 5, 2020
The doctor cried. #Chinese