[PORTAL-ISLAM.ID] "True Jews Will Never Recognize ISRAEL"
'Yahudi Sejati Tidak Akan Pernah Mengakui Israel.'
Demikian disampaikan Perkumpulan Rabi Yahudi penentang zionis Israel yang berpusat di New York AS melalui media sosial (akun twitter @AuthenticRabbis), Kamis (19/7/2018).
"The Zionist State -that they call- "Israel" can make laws from today till tomorrow, but you can't make laws against a simple fact. And all authentic Jews who are true to #Judaism VS to Zionism get it!"
"We are Jews and we have No Part in your State, Zionists!"
"The #JewishState "lie" is now an official "law" in Israel, but we don't recognize their State and their "Laws" anyway.
Simak video pidato pertemuan para Rabi Yahudi di New York AS:
Simak video pidato pertemuan para Rabi Yahudi di New York AS:
We are Jews and we have No Part in your State, Zionists! pic.twitter.com/suwlxfTOv6— Voice of Our Rabbis (@AuthenticRabbis) 19 Juli 2018
The Zionist State -that they call- "Israel" can make laws from today till tomorrow, but you can't make laws against a simple fact. And all authentic Jews who are true to #Judaism VS to Zionism get it! pic.twitter.com/qRTVZSGjyH— Voice of Our Rabbis (@AuthenticRabbis) 19 Juli 2018